Monday, November 17, 2014

     It's our anniversary!!  Not our wedding anniversary (at least I don't think so).  This past weekend we were able to celebrate the anniversary of our first International Conference on Missions by attending this years' event in Columbus, Ohio.  While it may not seem like this would be monumental, it was at the ICOM in Kansas City last year that Marcy and I strongly felt God's calling to the mission field.  When we returned from our short term Peru trip in 2013, we were already knew that God wasn't going to let us return to our normal lives easily.  After the conference in Kansas City, we took the plunge and started events in motion to go to the field as missionaries.  So this year marks the 1-year anniversary of this decision.  The ICOM is an awesome time of praise and spiritual growth.  There are over 100 different workshops that cover topics not only for missionaries, but for church growth and personal development.  Hundreds of mission organizations, schools, and resources for missionaries come to share their wide variety of ministries.  Marcy and I have come to enjoy the opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries as well as gain some valuable tools for our upcoming ministry.  Getting advice and training from people who have served around the world can be invaluable.  Marcy and I learned some tips on transitions for our family, how to develop an effective prayer life, and tips on how to reach people for Christ across cultural barriers.
      We were also blessed to have been able to attend part of this conference with our friends from Indiana...who incidentally can be held directly responsible for Marcy getting involved in missions.  These same friends have continued to be a great encouragement to us as we proceed towards our goal of teaching in Peru.
     After living in Virginia for 10 years, the irony of next years ICOM is that it will be in Richmond.  However we take great joy in knowing that the ICOM has been a blessing to us and we encourage anyone to attend one of these events (especially those of you living in the Covington area :)  You can click here to begin following the 2015 ICOM information as it comes together.

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