Sunday, May 29, 2016

Out under the stars

Mike's Earth Science classes spent a night under the stars observing constellations. It was a beautiful, clear night with campfires, funny stories, s'mores and the Southern Cross.  Since both parents were chaperoning, Liam and Ella got to tag along and enjoy their first camping trip in Peru. 




"For Narnia!"

Our high school and middle school drama class performed "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" last week.  They were amazing!  Our kids did an incredible job...really proud of their hard work and creativity!

The elementary students performed a recorder selection from their music class before the show.

The Fifth Grade class recited a piece.
The Cast!


Lucy with Mr. Tumnus

Mmmm ....Turkish Delight

The Pevensie Siblings

Father Christmas

The Battle!!


Kings and Queens of Narnia

Janet Weist and Tiffany Simmons, our directors

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What's hoppin? Not these toads...

Mr. Bill, the 5th grade science teacher invited our third grade to dissect toads with them today.  They were really enthralled with all the "innards" of a toad.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!