Monday, February 22, 2016

All things wild!

We see lots of strange things in the jungle.

The occasional "stray" that wonders through your backyard...

And the crazy kids that invade your classroom everyday!

Gotta love walking on the wild side!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Check these out Rube Goldberg!

In Science we have been studying simple machines.  My kids designed some amazingly incredible, complex machines that accomplish a simple task.  They designed and built their creations at home before setting them up and demonstrating them at school.  Prepare to be amazed!

Moms will like this waters your flowers.

Wow!  It really did pop the balloon!

Got a heavy problem..this machine can handle it!

Thirsty?  This one will make you a cup of Kool-aide.

To go with your drink, a marshmallow, delivered by this machine.

This balloon gets popped by a flying car and its wedge accessory.