Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas from the Brown's!  We have been so busy enjoying the season that we haven't shared much online.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed the events!  Wishing you and your family a season of peace and joy.

 Ella and Liam were awesome in their Christmas plays at school!  Liam was Joseph though he wanted to be the donkey...haha!  And Ella was part of an "Out of the Box Christmas."  With their Grammy being the music teacher I have heard four months of both of them singing "This is bizarre...this is berserk!  How in the world will we make this work?" 

Christmas morning

 Liam's favorite "gift"...bubble wrap!

 One of my precious nieces

 The girls

 What a crew!!

 Me and my mum rocking our jammies:)

 No caption needed...all ornery there.

 My Christmas elves

 Hanging with Great Pap-pap

 Christmas Round 2 with Pap, Grammy, Aunt Michelle and Uncle Brian

Monday, November 17, 2014

     It's our anniversary!!  Not our wedding anniversary (at least I don't think so).  This past weekend we were able to celebrate the anniversary of our first International Conference on Missions by attending this years' event in Columbus, Ohio.  While it may not seem like this would be monumental, it was at the ICOM in Kansas City last year that Marcy and I strongly felt God's calling to the mission field.  When we returned from our short term Peru trip in 2013, we were already knew that God wasn't going to let us return to our normal lives easily.  After the conference in Kansas City, we took the plunge and started events in motion to go to the field as missionaries.  So this year marks the 1-year anniversary of this decision.  The ICOM is an awesome time of praise and spiritual growth.  There are over 100 different workshops that cover topics not only for missionaries, but for church growth and personal development.  Hundreds of mission organizations, schools, and resources for missionaries come to share their wide variety of ministries.  Marcy and I have come to enjoy the opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries as well as gain some valuable tools for our upcoming ministry.  Getting advice and training from people who have served around the world can be invaluable.  Marcy and I learned some tips on transitions for our family, how to develop an effective prayer life, and tips on how to reach people for Christ across cultural barriers.
      We were also blessed to have been able to attend part of this conference with our friends from Indiana...who incidentally can be held directly responsible for Marcy getting involved in missions.  These same friends have continued to be a great encouragement to us as we proceed towards our goal of teaching in Peru.
     After living in Virginia for 10 years, the irony of next years ICOM is that it will be in Richmond.  However we take great joy in knowing that the ICOM has been a blessing to us and we encourage anyone to attend one of these events (especially those of you living in the Covington area :)  You can click here to begin following the 2015 ICOM information as it comes together.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Faith Festival

When I begin to feel overwhelmed, it is always good to sit back and inventory all the little blessings God has slipped into our lives.  They add up to an incredible amount of praises and I am so thankful for God's faithfulness.  One of those little, actually huge blessings, is the kids' school--Mt. Moriah Christian School.  They have been such an amazing well of support for our family.  In addition to taking in our kids and ministering to them as they face all of these transitions, I feel as if they have adopted our family and really encouraged us in our ministry. 

This past weekend the school celebrated the school's theme this year with their "Faith Festival."  In addition to be an awesome night of praise, Ella and I were given a really cool opportunity to share what faith looks like to us.  I hope you check it out.  My little diva did an incredible job!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Browns go to Washington

On our way to visit Virginia this last time (how funny it is to be visiting Virginia and not the other way around!) we decided to take a small, side-trip...ok, more like a large, out-of-the-way side-trip. We thought it would be cool to introduce our kids to their own nation's capital before we took them to a different nation's capital.  We spent the day (a very long day!) taking in all the free sights Washington D.C. has to offer.  I have to say D.C. is a pretty cool place to visit even though the only souvenirs we took home were sore feet and random collections of acorns and flowers Ella kept pocketing. 

 Aren't they cute? 

 Momma and her kiddos.
 Ella taking a break from walking...she is such a monkey!
 Of course we had to include a picture of a panda!
 I want you to appreciate that this picture was taken without anyone falling into the Potomac.

 We had to find Virginia..of course!
 I actually got Mike to stand in front of the camera..yea!
 A quick photo in front of the White House before being chased away by mounted horsemen...on the front of the lawn...almost a half a football stadium away.  Its a shame some people have to ruin it for everyone.

October? Really?

How does time get away so quickly!

We moved in with my parents in Pennsylvania.  The kids began school at Mt. Moriah Christian School.  Mike began working doing upkeep at the cemetery (The job he did when were dating!) and working a day a week as a PE teacher at the kids' school.  I have been working as an aide and subbing when needed.  And BOOM...its October!!!  When did that happen?

God has richly blessed us with a bit of normal living here.  In addition to that, daily we are overwhelmed with the acts of kindness that continue to encourage us.  I continuously find myself at a loss for an appropriate way to thank those who have been so good to us.  Family has provided for us and loved on have given beyond my feeble understanding of what can be possible...and our Encouragement Group has surrounded us with love and support that has absolutely sustained us.  God is so good and He puts along side of us wonderful friends to see us through!

My toothless-wonder turned 7! 

Thanks to Grammy the kids are enjoying swimming lessons. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Soaking in all we can...

Hello Everyone!

We thought it would be good to give you a quick update and let you know what our family is up to.  We are currently training at the JAARS base in Waxhaw, NC.  JAARS stands for "Jungle Aviation and Radio Services."  The base is dedicated to every-day, practical support to make bible translation possible all over the world.  This includes aviation training, technology development and missional training.  Though we are not with the Wycliffe organization, we have been very blessed to be a part of their training here.  It has been pretty awesome to be part of this community for a month and be surrounded by families and individuals who are actively involved in cross-cultural ministry.

We are currently taking part in the ICC course which prepares us spiritually and culturally to work in cross-cultural ministry.  It has been really incredible!  Mike and I have really been stretched in our faith.  Many of our exercises take us out of our comfort zone to really prepare us for being in another culture.  All of the instructors here have shared their life messages and been very open with us.  We have also delved into many faith issues that Mike and I had not even considered--at least not to the depth we are here.  It is definitely a time of spiritual growth for us.

During a pretty intense discussion on suffering and counting the cost of going, I came upon this verse: "I also pray you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe in himThis is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms.  Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else--not only in this world but also in the world to come."  Ephesians 1: 19-21

How awesome that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is available to us who believe in him to help us through any circumstance!  

While we are in training, Liam and Ella have been having a blast at the MK Station and in Summer Safari.  They have made some wonderful friends.  It has been great to hook up with families who are in the same situation as we are and understand all the transitions and challenges.  Liam celebrated his 4th birthday on the 1st!  He is learning to ride a bike and very proud of himself.  His reaction to waking up on his 4th birthday: "I'm the same size as when I was 3!"  Ella has one training wheel off and is working towards riding a bike without training wheels.  I think they have both grown three inches since we have been here!

 We are definitely looking forward to our next couple weeks here.  After that, we have a few days in Virginia to pack up the house and then we move to Pennsylvania!  The time is moving so quickly.
 We continue to pray for the sale of our house and for partners to join with us financially and prayerfully.  If you feel God's leading to join with us, please check out our "Partner with us" tab or contact us directly at  Though we are moving to Pennsylvania for the kids to start school, we are planning to be back and forth frequently and would love to sit down and talk with anyone who would like to meet with us.

We really appreciate all of your prayers and encouragement!  God has truly blessed us with amazing friends and family and we love each of you!  Blessings until next time...

Friday, June 27, 2014

We have been commissioned!

We have officially be commissioned by South America Mission for service in Pucallpa, Peru!!

The past two weeks at Candidate Orientation have been incredible!  What a privilege to be among such godly people with such a love for the Lord.  We have had an amazing time of fellowship, sharing and growing with the SAM home office staff and twelve other candidates to the field.

We have come out of Candidate Orientation invested in SAM's vision: Dynamic churches multiplied across South America that transform local communities and the world by embodying the Kingdom of God.

Our part of this vision will begin in Pucallpa, Peru where we will prayerfully be teaching at SAM Academy, a school for children of missionaries on the field.  There we hope to help develop leaders who can continue to spread the love of Christ around the world.

So now we begin to seek partners who will come alongside of us in support, financially and prayerfully.  Please check out our contact page and prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us.  Also let us know ways that we can be in prayer for you.

God is so good!  Thank you for sharing with us as we continue on this journey!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ending Well

With so many things filling our minds and plates, sometimes in the midst of all the chaos all I have been able to mutter is “Lord, please help us end well.”  It has been our prayer these past few weeks as we have said “good-bye” to our  current lives as teachers.  Good-bye to our students, good-bye to our schools, good-bye to friends and colleagues, good-bye to a huge part of our lives.  It has been the prayer I have taught Ella as she struggles with leaving her school family as well.  “Let’s end here well.  Enjoy these days.  Make happy memories.”    

Ending school is just one closing we will deal with but it has been an emotional one.  Mike and I are both teachers and Ella is in first grade.  Callaghan Elementary has been my first and only school home for nine years.  Working at Callaghan has made me part of a family that I love dearly.  The teachers there are an amazing group of people.  Each one is dedicated to the children…not just their own students, but all the students.  They are a loving group that has your back when you need it.  They have treated Ella as family and started her off on a great path of learning.  I love each and every one of them. 

My little Junior Kindergarteners did not really understand our “good-byes” were for the long term.  They just hugged their teacher and stepped out the door a little bigger as new kindergarteners.  I will miss my “babies” so much!  It was not easy to “end well” as I walked out of my empty classroom for the last time.

But with endings come new beginnings.  As I close the door to my classroom, we open the door to work on the field, a calling that God has given us.  A calling to a life closer to Him.  This Sunday we travel to Candidate Orientation where we will get to meet other families with the same calling and affirm our decision to follow God down this road.  I am SO excited to take this step….so excited to begin our journey and watch the amazing things God has planned for us.  I pray this will be a time of closeness for our family.  A time for all of us to see the joy in the door we have walked through. 

So now I pray “Lord, let us begin well.”  Lead us and give us the courage to follow.

 Ella's last bus ride home!

A newspaper photographer captured my last group hug with my kids.  Happy memories!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Beginning the journey...

Ok this is first attempt at a blog!  Our family has experienced quite a few firsts the past couple of months.  Our first time selling a house...our first time officially resigning from our jobs...our first time stepping out in faith for a major life-changing event.

Mike and I have been passionate for missions since we were married.  Different parts of our little family have served on short-term mission trips that have taken us to Peru, Japan, Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.  Ella's first mission trip was to Japan while I was still pregnant with her.   At almost two, she learned how to say "Konichiwa" to new Japanese friends.  Then along came Liam and we got to watch our little buddy play with "his boys" in Peru without a word spoken. 

And though our hearts have always craved to do God's work, we never realized how much more God would want for us.  During the past year, Mike and I began to feel a call towards something more.  There was an aching that both of us experienced.  Something in our lives was missing.  As we began to pray and search, we began to hear God's voice.  We needed to depend on Him more.

After a weekend spent at the International Conference of Missions, our family had an awakening.  It was time to become closer to our amazing Father and to dive deeper in the love He showed us through His son.  We began to seek for a way to serve God in a place where we could be right at the center of His will and in complete dependence of His grace and provision.  And that's when we contacted South America Mission.

Mike and I have never been church-planters.  Our gift has always been teaching.  Through some contacts in the organization we learned that South America Mission has English, Christian schools that are in need of teachers.  As we prayed and studied together, we knew God was leading us to put our trust in Him and use our teaching skills in South America.

We have completed our application and really stretched and grown through the process.  We await our Candidate Orientation in June which will be where we are prayerfully appointed as members of SAM. 

As we began this journey, I struggled with the idea that I am not at all qualified to be part of such an amazing group of people who serve God daily on the field.  But then I saw a church sign that completely changed my perspective.  It said "God takes you where you are, and puts you where you need to be."  I don't need to be perfect...I just need to be willing.  And our family is willing.

We are willing to put ourselves in the hand of God and be transformed into who He wants us to be.  If that means we are teachers in South America being a service to others on the field, we will be.  If it means something more, we are willing.  Through all these things, I pray that God will increase our faith and allow our entire family to grow incredibly closer to Him.

Sooooo....I hope you will stick with us on this journey.  Its going to be amazing!

Please consider partnering with us in prayer.

Prayer needs:

~Candidate Orientation...that it may be blessed time for our family and we may truly meet God and worship Him during this time
~The right family to purchase our house
~A peaceful end to our school year as we say "good-bye" to our school families
~An opening at the ICC July session so that we may attend this training prior to Ella and Liam enrolling in school
~That we may continue to rely on God and grow closer to Him each day