Saturday, November 28, 2015

A different kind of Thanksgiving

So I am the first to admit this month has been hard for me. My birthday, usually spent celebrating with my mom who is also a November baby, started my low spirits. It was an awesome day spent with wonderful friends but soon after we came upon Thanksgiving and again I was faced with a special day normally spent with my loved ones. Even living four hours away we never missed a Thanksgiving at our parents' and so as much as I tried to fight it, I felt myself fighting the gloomy Gus inside of me. But God is good, all the time and wherever there was an empty spot He filled it with amazing things. Thanksgiving week was the first time I had all five of my original students together in several months. In honor of our "togetherness" we took our first field trip along with the first and second Plymouth! We have been loving reading "Thanksgiving on Thursday" and the non-fiction research guide that goes with it so to finish out our book all our Wampanoag Indians and Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower. (As Ella pointed out, the Indians really shouldn't have been on the Mayflower, but hey...what was the Mayflower doing in Peru anyway?!)
Waiting to "board" with their tickets. "If ye don't have thine ticket, ye may be thrown overboard."

Our turkey for our feast, compliments of Miss Olivia. Served with corn....popcorn.

Our turkeys...I mean...pilgrims and Indians, ready to feast! While feasting, we did a virtual field trip of the Mayflower, Plimoth Colony and a Wampanoag Village online. I LOVE technology! 

Thanksgiving Day we spent in wonderful fellowship with 75 other missionaries and MKS. Van and Vanessa Brock and their family, graciously opened their wonderful home to all of us. We feasted on turkey and lots and lots of fixins and shared how God has blessed us this year. The kids swam in the pool...a Thanksgiving first to be sure. Though we were far from our own family, looking around, I knew we were surrounded by family all the same.

I hope your Thanksgiving was full of loved ones, laughter and too much dessert as well and as always, we send our love out to all our friends and family. You are as special to our hearts as ever!

The Thanksgiving gang..a blessed group of awesome people!

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