Thursday, August 13, 2015

Our new home!

Our days here in Pucallpa have been very busy! We gave been working hard to set up home and adjust to our new city before school starts next week. We are living on the SAM Mission base where the school is located in a SAM house. It's a good place for us to be and I think its starting to feel like home. We did some work on the house along with little things like putting up curtains and replacing old screen. The kids each have their own room which they love except at night and we usually have several gecko friends inside and out:)

You come into the house through what I have affectionately nicknamed the "mud room" thanks to the kids.

Our kitchen from our living/dining room. The door leads to our "cool room" the one room with air conditioning and the hallway goes back to our rooms.

Looking back at the living room. This room gets really hot during the day!

The cool room...because its just that awesome:) I won't show you the desk which is piled high with school stuff right now!

El-bell's's not normally this clean:)

Liam's room with an extra bed all ready for visitors. The snake is stuffed...don't worry!

And just for!

Our room is the catch all room and is off limits to cameras😉

Now to get the classroom ready!


  1. I am so glad things are moving along so well! Love the pictures and the stories--and love you guys too!

  2. Thanks for the tour. Pray for you often and know you feel them. God is using you to bless people everywhere!

  3. Thanks for the tour! I would likely live in the cool room since I'm hot blooded haha! I'm so glad you guys are settled in and getting ready for school! ❤️
