Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Buenos Dias de Peru!

It boggles my mind that we are actually here living in Peru!  We have spent this week “catching-up” emotionally, mentally and physically so bear with us as our communication catches up as well.  Our physical journey began over a week ago as we left home.  It seemed like each day we were shaving off another part of our “normal lives” as we said good-bye to person after person.  On top of that was the wearisome task of traveling.  God reminded me first thing that He was in control when we pulled up to the airport and at the very first could only find one cart to load our 12 pieces of luggage on.  As I began to hyperventilate before even stepping out of the van, a kind employee on a smoke-break stepped over, grabbed suitcases and asked “Where to?”  I can imagine God smiling saying “Seriously Marcy…this is little stuff.”

The rest of the day was a blur.  We got our massive suitcases and trunks checked and breathed a sigh of relief as they headed on to Lima.  We then spent the day playing the hurry up and wait game with the airlines.  If I am especially thankful for anything that day, it had to be for my two amazing kids and whoever invited the carry-on suitcase with 360 degree turning wheels.  We suffered only one melt-down—in Charlotte as we raced to get food before our flight boarded in literally 15 minutes, Ella and Mike went to get the food while Liam and I took our three carry-on’s (1/4 of our 12) and bookbags to our seats.  Half way there Liam collapsed in a heap in the middle of the busy hallway.  Bless his heart, as my mother-in-law would say, he was just tuckered and hungry.  A kind stewardess, a mommy-cuddle and a piece of pizza later, he was good to go.  (The 360 degree turning wheels were my saving grace…you can push those things with a foot while hauling a kid and two other carry-ons.  A four-year old can also push it while navigating customs lines.  I will never travel with regular ones again!)

Finally we arrived in Lima along with all our luggage…yea!!  We lost no kids or baggage during our travel…though Liam did suffer a minor injury when I didn’t see him and plowed him over with the luggage cart as we exited the airport.  My introduction to Spanish I’m pretty sure included “Lady, your kid is under you cart.”  Thankfully he is tough and it didn’t leave a mark other than on my “bad mommy record.”  Hopefully he’s forgiven me since I shared my secret mommy stash of Swedish Fish with him. 

We have all been blessed with lessons in giving each other grace as we settle into our new lives here.  Thankfully God gives it in abundance.  More on our new lives here soon…    

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