We were super, super blessed to spend Christmas in the states thanks to a wonderful gift from my sister. Besides getting to eat Chick-fil-a ("Yes ma'am, I will definitely take the complimentary extra pickles) we soaked in much needed time with friends and family including time with my new little butter ball of a nephew! (Mi pelota de mantequilla...hmmm...doesn't exactly translate well.) But now we are back and jumping with a new semester. One of my lovely girls is back after furloughing in the states so my gaggle is back up to 8....8 big fourth graders....16 muddy, bare-feet! Mike is helping co-direct while our fearless leader does her furlough in the states for a few months. Mainly that means he actually listens now when I tell him the girls' bathroom stalls need new latches. But the big news is our new addition!! We are expecting....to have a wonderful semester in kindergarten! (Did I get any of you there?)
We have three up and coming 1st graders who will join SAM Academy in the fall. For now they are kind of in limbo so several of us moms, one brave volunteer and a "volunteered" dad (hehe..Mike) are dividing the time to have a four day a week kindergarten. This is really exciting for us since Liam has been in Peruvian school. We have loved so much his school experience so far and were sad that his time at CCPA came to an end. But now we are excited that in addition to knowing Spanish, he will be reading and writing in English and hopefully be better prepared for 1st grade.
So now in the afternoon three days a week, while my students have PE and art, I switch gears (which works with our robot theme) and work with the kindergarten. One of those days Mike also joins us and teaches the kids PE. We are really, really thankful for the three ladies who are teaching in the mornings.
Our new year is off to a great start! As long as no one gets carried off this rainy season by a swarm of mosquitoes, it looks to be a good year...but we'll save that for another blog:)